A Real College Girl Belle Knox Porn Movie

Movie Review: A Real College Girl – Belle Knox

By: Gram Ponante

Real College Girl – Belle Knox Movie Details

Title: Real College Girl – Belle Knox
Studio: Adam and Eve
Director: Luk Wylder
Stars: Belle Knox, Natasha White
Overall Rating:

3 stars


Like the day when I found out most of my favorite porn MILF’s had never conceived, carried, borne, or even babysat a child despite winning multiple MILF of the Year awards, I was shocked to learn that very few of porn’s college girls had ever been to college (and keggers at ASU don?t count). That is why whether you like her performance in Real College Girl: Belle Knox or not the Duke Porn Star has raised the bar for truth in advertising in adult movies. Real College Girl: Belle Knox provides all the information we may not have picked up elsewhere about Knox, as the movie is aware of her celebrity. Director Luc Wylder allows Knox to rehash her story for the umpteenth time since she became famous by standards beyond those of the porn world just two months ago: A Duke student from Minnesota, Knox was confronted on her way to a frat party by a friend ? she does not mention Thomas Bagley?s name ? who was pledging the frat. Bagley said he knew she did porn, she begged him not to publicize it, but he did. ?Within days it was all over the school,? she says. ?Within weeks it was all over the country.? Knox considered leaving Duke, but she ?wasn?t about to let some douchey frat guys keep me from staying.? In a short time, Knox managed to lead her own conversation, and appeared on Piers Morgan?s recently-cancelled CNN show as well as ?The View,? among dozens of radio shows, podcasts, and feature articles. As she appears in Wylder?s pre-solo scene interview, Knox tells her oft-repeated story with brightness and without boredom. But we are aware that the porn itself is an afterthought. What we?re really interested in is Knox. (She was a waitress in high school, ?people were horrible to me,? her father watches porn ?like one out of every two people? but her mother is ?having a hard time? with her daughter?s extracurricular activities.)

Scene One Interview and solo masturbation ? Belle KnoxThen Knox tells us ?I think it?s time that I play with myself? and suddenly the ?real college girl? is replaced with a porn creation who giggles as punctuation and makes sure to thank Adam & Eve for all the marital aids it has stocked her pleasure chest with. Selecting a Hitachi Magic Wand, she declares ?Adam And Eve knows just what I like,? then gets to it, removing her panties and arranging her high heels in stirrup position on a comfy chair. Knox has already told us that she masturbates ?four or five times a day? (making us wonder how she has time for Duke?s ?second-best in the country? pre-law program), so we feel confident that she knows just what to do. This scene is short, though, because we kind of want to see her get fucked.

Scene Two Belle Knox and Johnny CastleWith 1300 scenes under his belt compared to Knox?s 25, 34-year-old Johnny Castle sits beside her on a bed and we can see the New Jersey native contemplating his good luck. It?s a big moment for the unsung Castle. A funny moment in the scene is when director Wylder introduces the two of them and then, seconds later, asks them to introduce themselves. Both looked confused by this, especially Castle, who isn?t used to being interviewed. But this is Belle Knox?s biggest movie yet ? filmed by a company named for Bible characters rather than some website called Facial Abuse ? so he had better get used to classy treatment. Castle bends the skinny Knox to his will and they have a very nice vanilla sex scene culminating in a left-hip pop shot ? just the kind of pop shot real college girls have been getting for centuries.

Scene Three Belle Knox and Natasha WhiteIt is clear that, out of this movie?s four scenes, this was the one Knox was waiting for. In the interview at the top of the movie, Knox tells Wylder that she confessed to her father at age 18 (in other words: this year) that she liked girls. She clearly likes White (as do we) and smiles eagerly at the 19-year-old. Once again referring to his movie as ?Real College Girls,? Wylder has Knox introduce herself again, then asks White. White tells us her age and that she ?doesn?t go to college at all; I just do porn,? which is charming and probably smart. After all, Knox has told us that Duke costs $4300 a month. Presumably White doesn?t have those kinds of bills ? she can spend all her money on candy! Still, there?s the problem of a movie Wylder calls ?Real College Girls? and a woman who has just affirmed that she is not a college girl at all. ?But you?re college age,? Wylder says. (See? That?s how we got into that whole MILF dilemma.) We watch these two college-age women masturbate each other before retreating to their own corners and masturbating themselves. Knox has a lean and hungry look (even with her higher-than-the-average-porn-star asking price, there must not be a lot of room for ramen) which contrasts with White?s juicier build. This scene is my favorite, as both women seem easy with the other.

Scene Four Threeway with Belle Knox, Will Powers, and Richie BlackKnox has been alluding to her penchant for nasty, kinky sex throughout the movie, and this final scene gives us Adam & Eve?s representation of that. She?s wearing a collar! Sandwiched between Richie Black and Will Powers, Knox is similarly black-clad, indicating the seriousness of what is about to happen. There is no double-penetration here but there is plenty of bossing around. ?This pet needs a good spanking,? says Richie Black, who doesn?t spank her. ?Open your mouth,? commands Powers. Black deposits his load on Knox?s right cheek, followed a minute later by Powers on her left. The penises do not touch, there are no welts raised, no reddening of the skin. It isn?t particularly kinky, in other words, by San Francisco standards, where this sort of thing happens on the cable cars. But it?s enough to keep those frat boys talking back in North Carolina. (?Boys are trouble,? Knox says when asked if she?s in a relationship.) ?Real College Girl: Belle Knox? is an example of a porn movie that nakedly capitalizes on a trend. But unlike other flicks in that subgenre, it is an all-original film (not a hastily-arranged compilation) that takes its time to get to know its subject. Knox has not said too much more in her dozens of media appearances than she has recapped in this movie. No only that, but we get to see the things all of Knox?s mainstream media opportunities haven?t been allowed to show, which are the only things people want to see anyway. Is Knox a great porn star with only five months in the business? No. I?m not into the porn-trope giggling. There is a lot of self-consciousness on that screen that might have a lot to do with the fact that Knox is more famous than any porn star her age. But if she stays in the business, and explores those things that she is curious about, and lets all that residual shame fall away (good luck with that!), I bet she?ll be a great MILF.

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